
Showing posts from June, 2023


Discovering Florida's Mangroves: A Closer Look at the Brown Pelican and More

Red Mangrove(Rhizophora mangle) 2 months ago, in April, I had a chance to visit the fantastic Florida mangroves and observe the amazing wildlife ecosystem there. Mangroves are groups of special trees that grow partially submerged in coastal water. They're accustomed to tropical temperatures, and are only found in 3 states: Texas, South Florida, and Louisiana. In Florida, there are three species of mangrove trees: Black, White, and Red. Red Mangroves are easily recognizable from their red, exposed root structure that looks like they have been continually washed away by tidewater for years.  However, don't worry; these roots are called prop roots and are in fact extremely sturdy, having evolved to specifically keep the tree standing upright. In huge hurricanes and thunderstorms, mangrove trees absorb most of the water's impact, as seen in this diagram from the Nature Conservancy : Without the mangroves' roots, floods would be a lot more devastating in Florida. Their expan...