
Showing posts from October, 2022


Best Times of Day to Go Birdwatching (with ratings)

  Birds are very similar to humans; they love warm weather and sunshine. Most won’t get up until the sun rises, as many people do. Knowing what birds come at what time of day is very important, along with knowing what time of year birds will come. Here is a comprehensive list of birds you can see throughout the day.  Dawn(4:00AM-6:30AM) Nearly all bird species, whether you live in Andorra or Zimbabwe, will start their chorus in the early morning at dawn. However, they will not start moving until the sun is out and it is much warmer. I would not recommend venturing out during daybreak to look for birds; it would be very dark, and all the birds would be stationary or sleeping. Many elusive bird species would be singing at this time, and a few tiny songbirds would be flitting. Overall, I would say this is the worst time to go birdwatching because of the low light conditions. If you are a fan of birding by ear, however, this is a great time. My rating for this time is 4/10 st...

Fall-migration bird walk at Garret Mountain Reservation(Barbour's Pond)

    Barbour's Pond      With October 8, 2022, being  World Migratory Bird Day, it's time to go birdwatching again in the Northeast. Various warblers and other small birds migrate to the South during this period, making it one of the best times to go birdwatching. Make sure to plan a bird walk between October 8 and 23, when most songbirds are migrating. My trip to Garret Mountain     My trip to Garret Mountain went pretty well(by my standards). Here is a comprehensive list of all 18 species of birds I saw: Canada Goose 10 Turkey Vulture 1 Belted Kingfisher 1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 3 Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 Eastern Phoebe 2 Blue-headed Vireo 1 Ruby-Crowned Kinglet 5 Golden-crowned Kinglet 1 White-Breasted Nuthatch 2 Brown Creeper 3 White-throated Sparrow 6 Song Sparrow 1 Eastern Towhee 1 Northern Parula 1 Palm Warbler 1 Pine Warbler 7 Yellow-rumped Warbler 3      I arrived at Barbour's Pond at 9 in the morning, since warblers are not r...

How to identify birds faster with Merlin and eBird

Female Common Yellowthroat           My mom loves birdwatching like me and frequently accompanies me on my bird walks. However, she does not know many bird species in our area, especially warblers. A few days ago(September 28, specifically), she spotted "a yellow-bellied bird with a dark-brown back." The enigmatic bird had repeatedly come to our neighborhood dogwood tree for the past few days, and I was mystified as to what bird it could be. In the northeastern USA, late September is a ripe time for bird migration. The bird had to be a warbler, although this conclusion did not narrow down possible birds by much. Various of these little songbirds fly through our area during this time, and although male warblers are easy to identify, their female versions are much more difficult.          This is where Merlin Bird ID comes in(not sponsored). Merlin Bird ID, created by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, is a free-to-use app that identifie...